Technical Setup

Basic Setup#

Prerequisites: git, Java 8+ SDK, sbt, OpenCL

See more details on installing the dependencies below.

  1. Clone the shine repository to a directory of your choice that we call $SHINE_ROOT.
  2. In $SHINE_ROOT, run to download all required submodules.
  3. Run sbt compile (perform this steps even if you want to use IDEA IntelliJ, because IntelliJ does not execute all subproject dependencies correctly that are required for an initial setup).
  4. Run sbt test.

Configuring IntelliJ#

  1. Download IDEA IntelliJ ( and choose to install the Scala Plugin during setup.
  2. Launch IntelliJ. From the menu choose File -> Open.... Then, select $SHINE_ROOT and press OK.
  3. From the menu bar choose Run -> Edit Configurations.... Under Templates choose ScalaTest and add the following line to VM parameters: -Djava.library.path=lib/executor/lib/Executor/build -Xss26m (this will tell IntelliJ where to find the Executor library and use 26MB of thread stack size which is needed for arithmetic simplifactions sometimes).

Installing Dependencies#

Docker Image#

You can find the build file for a Docker image here:

Note that AMD's SDK is stored with git lfs, so you will have to download it after checking out the repository.

On Debian:#

  1. Install Portable OpenCL: apt-get install pocl
  2. Install the build dependencies:
    apt-get install cmake software-properties-common g++ clang-7 libxtst6 libxrender1 libxext6
    ln -s /usr/bin/clang-7 /usr/bin/clang
    ln -s /usr/bin/clang-cpp-7 /usr/bin/clang++

On NixOS:#

  1. Add to hardware.opengl.extraPackages and nixos-rebuild. Running nix-shell -p clinfo --run clinfo should show OpenCL support.
  2. You will need sbt, cmake and gcc to compile the project: nix-env -iA nixos.sbt nixos.cmake nixos.gcc.
  3. You will need clang to run some of the tests, however some utilities clash with gccs, so we need to:
    nix-env --set-flag priority 15 gcc-wrapper # give gcc less priority
    nix-env -iA nixos.clang # install clang
  4. Help FindOpenCL find the OpenCL library in NixOS:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${nix-build '<nixos>' --no-build-output ocl-icd}/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
    sbt compile
    (From now on sbt compile does not need to be told where the OpenCL bindings are.)
  5. We can now run the tests with sbt test.

Running the Tests#

You can run the test suite with sbt test. You can run subsets or specific tests using testOnly, e.g., sbt "testOnly rise.*" to run all the RISE tests, or sbt "testOnly rise.elevate.circularBuffering" to run that specific test. You can output debugging information generated by the tests by setting the RISE_LOG_LEVEL environment variable to debug: RISE_LOG_LEVEL=debug sbt "testOnly rise.*".