A Tutorial of Heuristic Search based Exploration in RISE

The Heuristic Search based Exploration allows to automatically optimize a High-Level RISE Program by applying rewrite rules (and more generally ELEVATE Optimization Strategies) in an explorative process that is guided by Heuristic Search Algorithms.


In this basic tutorial we walk through an example on how to configure and perform an exploration run.

We start with a definition of a High-Level RISE program for matrix-matrix multiplication:

// input size
val N = 512
// definition of matrix-matrix multiplication
// as a high-level program in RISE
val mm =
fun(ArrayType(N, ArrayType(N, f32)))(a =>
fun(ArrayType(N, ArrayType(N, f32)))(b =>
a |> map(fun(ak =>
b |> transpose |> map(fun(bk =>
zip(ak)(bk) |>
map(fun(x => fst(x) * snd(x))) |>
reduce(add)(lf32(0.0f)) )) )) ))

Our goal is to perform an exploration by applying ELEVATE Optimization Strategies to this program in an explorative process guided by Heuristic Search Algorithms. For this we have to configure the exploration process.

Configuration of Exploration Process#

The exploration process is configured with a JSON configuration file. We show two examples here.

Configuration using Iterative Improvement Search#

First, a simple example using the iterative improvement (aka, iterative refinement, or local search) heuristic search algorithm. We also specify that we evaluate the performance function f that guides our exploration process by compiling the rewritten program candidate to C and executing it.

The corresponding JSON configuration file "exploration/configuration/mm_example_iterative_improvement.json" looks like this:

"name" : "mm_example_iterative_improvement",
"output" : "exploration",
"inputSize" : 512,
"metaheuristic" : [{
"heuristic" : "IterativeImprovement",
"depth" : 0,
"iterations" : 1
"executor" : {
"name" : "C",
"iterations" : 3,
"threshold" : 10

Configuration using Random Search#

The second example is similar and uses the Random Search Heuristic.

The corresponding JSON configuration file "exploration/configuration/mm_example_random.json" looks like this:

"name" : "mm_example_random",
"output" : "exploration",
"inputSize" : 512,
"metaheuristic" : [{
"heuristic" : "Random",
"depth" : 5,
"iterations" : 10
"executor" : {
"name" : "C",
"iterations" : 3,
"threshold" : 10

Start Exploration Process#

Once we have provided a configuration we can simply start the exploration process using the riseExploration function.

Perform Exploration with Iterative Improvement Search#

// run exploration with iterative improvement
val iterativeImprovementConfig =
riseExploration(mm, iterativeImprovementConfig)

Perform Exploration with Random Search#

// run exploration with random
val randomConfig =
riseExploration(mm, randomConfig)

Output of Exploration Process#

The exploration process will take a couple of minutes to complete. Once complete, the folder specified as output in the configuration file (in the examples above this is "exploration") will contain a new subfolder containing the results of the exploration process. This subfolder contains:

  • a copy of the configuration file used for the exploration
  • a subfolder containing the results of every iteration of the Heuristic Search Algorithm
    • A csv file containing an overview of the runtimes measured for each resulting program (aka, solution)
    • A copy of every resulting program (in various forms)
    • A dot file to visualize the exploration procress
    • a subfolder containing the results of the executor
      • A csv file containing the runtimes of every single evaluated program (aka, solution candiate) as part of the exploration process
      • A copy of every evaluated program (in various forms)

This information makes it easy to identify the best found expression, as well as producing graphs investigating the exploration process itself.